
Vacation Home Staging Done Right

Vacation Home Staging

Vacation rentals are an excellent way to supplement your income and create financial stability for the future. There’s a huge demand for beautiful, high-end or unique vacation properties, but you need to know how to attract potential renters. Unlike traditional homes, vacation home staging must stand out, so renters choose it. With such a saturated market, the right staging will help guarantee your property stays booked, giving you peace of mind. If you’re ready to take your investment to the next level, check out the pricing for virtual staging.

What is Vacation Rental Staging?

As the name suggests, vacation rental staging is a type of short-term rental staging where you prepare the property for pictures. It’s also a great way to showcase the rental’s potential so guests are more likely to stay there. Make sure your rental property has the best photos because it can help you get more bookings and make your investment more successful.

The Importance of Staging Your Rental Property

When it comes to vacation rental properties, many people believe they can simply furnish it, takes some pictures, and renters will flock to book it. However, that’s not the case, especially since there’s so many options to choose from. Even if you’ve taken time to make it look nice, chances are, there’s still ways you can stage it to grab the attention of even more renters.

Staging a house for rent can make it look brighter and more inviting while appealing to a wide range of guests. The vast majority of those visiting your property will find it by online advertisements and marketing, so having beautiful, eye-catching pictures is the best way to stand out from the rest. When paired with a first-class listing description, vacation home staging is one of the most effective ways to guarantee bookings.

Additionally, high-quality virtual staging increases your property’s value without the large overhead cost of a renovation. You can play around with furniture placement, change the paint color, swap out light fixtures, and more to give it a modern and appealing look. When guests feel your property is more valuable, they’ll be happy to pay top-dollar for bookings. All said, staging your vacation rental makes it more marketable and valuable so you can get the most out of your investment.

How To Stage a Vacation Rental Property

Now that you know why staging your vacation home is so important, let’s discuss a few easy yet impactful ways you can make your property more appealing to guests. Use the following as your own vacation home rental staging checklist to get your property ready to make top dollar.

1. Cleaning up the Outdoor Area

Regarding outdoor staging, successful vacation property investors know the importance of curb appeal. Many people choose to focus on the property’s interior, but if guests pull up and it looks messy, overgrown, or worse – scary, they may complain or cancel their booking. While some staging steps can be costly, cleaning up the property’s outdoor space is affordable. While it may not cost a lot, the results are often incredible. Start by making sure the grass is cut and the shrubs are pruned. Trim any overgrown bushes or trees and pull up all weeds.

You can add flowers or lawn decor, but don’t go overboard; simple is always better. If you notice the exterior paint is peeling or chipping, or if there’s dirt, mold, or mildew on the property, be sure to have it pressure-cleaned and painted. Adding a few finishing touches, like a welcome mat, can make guests feel at home and make the rental more inviting. Your vacation home rental staging cost doesn’t have to be expensive; it just takes a bit of work.

2. Remove Personal Items

Vacation rental homes aren’t where you live year-round, so you never want to keep personal items out for guests to see. Not only could this be a safety risk for you and your family, but it could be distracting and weird for renters. When a guest checks in, they want to feel like your property is a home away from home where they can relax and unwind. Seeing personal pictures on the walls or spread throughout the house can make that hard. Treat your vacation rental like a house you have for sale. Keep the decor as neutral as possible to appeal to as many guests as you can, and stick with displaying personal items in your own home.

3. Focus on Natural Light

Natural light is your best friend when it comes to staging your vacation home. Not only does it make the property feel welcoming and inviting, but it makes guests feel good. When taking your staging photos, be sure to open all windows so the house is as bright as possible. Avoid using dark, heavy curtains and stick to sheer, lightweight alternatives. Natural light also has an impact on your vacation home furniture staging.

Place furniture around windows, not in front of them, where they could block light from entering the room. To make the property even brighter, opt for LED daylight bulbs in the kitchen, bathrooms, and hallways. You can use warm-tone lights in the living/ family rooms, bedrooms, and dining spaces for a more homey feel. Don’t be afraid to add lamps and overhead lighting, too. Chandeliers and pendant lights are a great way to add a bit of personality to the home without making it feel too busy or guest-specific.

4. Make Your Bathroom Appealing

Just like when you’re listing a house, bathrooms are a major selling point for vacation bookings. The bathroom is where you can really shine and use more high-end finishes to grab the renter’s attention. The goal should be to make it feel like a spa getaway, where they can come after a long day and relax. If your property has a tub, use simple decor to highlight it and draw attention.

You’ll want to avoid doing too much in the bathrooms; less is definitely more in these spaces. Minimalistic design, neutral colors, and luxury linens can make all the difference. Don’t get carried away on theming in the bathroom. While it could be tempting to go all-in on a beach theme (one of the most popular) or any other genre, doing so can quickly feel outdated and overdone. Instead, opt for timeless finishes and decor that appeal to all guests. Finally, make sure all bathrooms are spotlessly clean with no mold, mildew, or dirt. Even if you don’t have the budget for much staging, a clean bathroom will always win out in the end. Additionally, check our guide on bathroom staging for more tips.

5. Focus on Natural Colors and Creating a Relaxing Atmosphere

When it comes to virtual or real staging vacation home, remember the goal is to attract as many guests as possible. Using bright and bold colors may seem like a good way to grab attention, but it can actually turn off renters. Instead of filling the home with colors and patterns, choose natural decor and paint to create a relaxing atmosphere. When people are on vacation, they want to spend their time escaping their hectic lives. You want your property to be an oasis where they can feel their cares and worries melt off. Using neutral tones and adding a few pops of color is the perfect way to make your guests feel at home.

When done correctly, vacation home staging is one of the best ways to draw guests to your property and increase bookings. Following these tips, you can create an inviting space that will keep them coming back time after time.

Virtual HomeZen is the premier virtual staging company specializing in high-quality digital staging. Our photorealistic images are a game changer for vacation rental properties, helping them stand out and skyrocketing bookings. Get the most out of your investment with the most trusted name in virtual staging: Virtual HomeZen.


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