
Living Room Staging Tips

how to stage a living room

When selling a home, living room home staging is one of the most impactful tools in your arsenal. Creating a space for potential buyers to picture themselves and their family creating memories is how you build emotional connections. Whether you’re staging a small living room or staging a whole apartment, knowing the right way to do it is key. Let’s look at some living room staging ideas and how to stage a living room to make your property stand out and attract buyers.

Importance of Living Room Staging and How to Perform It

Have you ever wondered why some homes seem to sell quickly while others sit on the market? While there are many reasons, the top one is home staging. Staging a living room for sale shows potential buyers its full potential. It lets them picture themselves in the space and highlights any architectural or unique features. In fact, 85% of homes with staging sold for 5% to 23% above the listing price. Even if you only do simple living room staging, you can increase the chances of selling your home quickly. Staging living room can feel a bit overwhelming, but with these living room home staging ideas, you can do it like a pro!

Make Space – Get Rid of Heavy Furniture

One of the worst things you can do when trying to sell a home is make it feel cluttered. When staging your living room, it’s so important to remove bulky and oversized furniture so buyers can see the space. This tip is especially crucial in smaller rooms. Before you do anything, you want to clear out the room so you can see what you’re working with. When staging a small living room, you want to make it feel as large as possible. Think of small living room staging as your chance to show buyers how versatile the space is.

Utilize apartment-sized furniture and limit what you put into the room. Take out large pieces like armoirs and coffee tables if space is limited. One of the ways to make a dramatic difference is by staging your property virtually and big change is what you’re after.

Floor Plan – Show vs. Hide

When considering staging ideas for living room, one factor is the condition of the floor. Depending on the age of the home, the floors may be in rough condition, with scratches, stains, and chips. You’ll need to decide if you’d rather show or hide the floor. There’s benefits to both options depending on its condition. Staging a living room to sell is all about showcasing the home’s features. If the floors are in excellent condition, you’ll want them to be a focal point and avoid covering them with rugs or furniture. You’ll also want to consider how it’ll look in your living room staging pictures.

If the floor is in bad condition, you may want to refinish it or do a virtual renovation before placing the property on the market. While it’s an added expense, you can often recoup the costs once it sells. Your living room staging images will look incredible with new flooring and attract buyers faster.

Freshen Up – Apply a New Coat of Paint

Never underestimate the power of a fresh coat of paint with modern living room staging. Not only will it make the room smell new, but it’ll lighten up and refresh the space. Paint tops the list for small living room staging ideas as it can make it feel more open. If you want the benefits of painting without the work, you may want to consider living room virtual staging. With virtual staging, you can change features like the wall color digitally. Using this method is a great way for properties that need extra work to provide living room staging before and after pictures showing potential buyers the home’s possibilities.

Depersonalize – Aim for Broad Appeal

Another aspect to consider when home staging living room is appealing to a broad audience. While having personal items around while you’re living in the property makes it feel like home, it could make it hard for buyers to picture themselves in the space. Be sure to take down all personal items like medals, diplomas, and photos. When taking staging pictures living room areas often have the most personalized items. Take some time to walk around and make sure you remove everything that could distract buyers so you can reach the largest number of people.

Find Your Focal Point – Rethink Furniture Placement

While your furniture placement may work well for your lifestyle, it may not showcase your living room’s full potential. Contemporary living room staging is all about finding the best features and highlighting them. If you’re staging a room with a fireplace, you’ll want to arrange the furniture to showcase it. Your goal is to find the best living room layout for staging a house to sell. Keep an open mind since each space is unique. For example, staging for a rectangular living room is different than staging for a long narrow living room. If you’re limited on furniture and staging a living room without a couch, chairs, or tables, you’ll especially want to draw buyers’ eyes to the room’s focal points. Every space is unique, so don’t be afraid to play around and see what works best.

Framing Your Focal Point – Working With Multiple Light Sources

Light can bring any room to life, so take advantage of it by highlighting focal points. If you’re staging a living room with corner fireplace, you could put lamps on either side to draw the eye. Open windows to let in natural light and turn on overhead lighting. The better you illuminate the living area, the more attractive it is to buyers and the easier to see the property’s features. Additionally, proper lighting enhances the appearance of your property’s images.

Working with Mirrors to Expand the Space

Mirrors reflect light and make any room seem larger. You can use them throughout the space either hanging them on the walls or using staging shelves in living room to prop them up. If your living room is small, mirrors are your new best friend!

Diversity The Space With Plants

Finally, adding greenery to the living room makes it feel fresh and sophisticated. Don’t be afraid to place a few plants throughout the space, experimenting with different colors, textures, and sizes. If you don’t have a green thumb, fake plants are okay; just make sure they look realistic and don’t accumulate dust!

Staging a living room doesn’t have to be complicated. With the steps above, you can help ensure that your home sells quickly. Virtual Home Zen is the premier virtual staging solution. Transform your living room quickly and affordably with high-quality, stunning images that buyers love. Experience the difference virtual staging makes with Virtual Home Zen.


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